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Rihanna and Savage X Fenty – Yassssss

So unless you prefer to live life in black and white and a lovely back woods or mountain cave, you know like I do that women have been fighting for the rights to love ourselves just the way we are for umpteen amount of years. Mass media’s paid programming however, because you know why should we think for ourselves, keeps telling us to do it there way and like it. They roll through our body types in an exclusive fashion turning us from people into trends. Fast forward from magazines at the front of the store to the inter dwellings of the world wide web and you have a perfect storm of self doubt and depression.

I personally have found myself on the emotional internet trollercoaster on more occasions than I would like to admit. I’m always a little bit too much of something and not enough of something else. I have subjected myself to an all to common naked mirror based deconstruction that ended with self doubt. I even once subjected myself to a quite successful transfer of fat from my abdomen to my all to flaccid post nursing mom boobs which after having unexpectedly nursed another child ten years later are right back in the same state, lol.

Now granted we all have self esteem that we are responsible for through the art of self care. In fact I could swear I’ve recounted some of these feelings somewhere in this blog before………#JustBe.  Even with your best everyday effort it can be increasingly difficult to maintain a positive outlook on yourself when whether you want to see them or not, the imagery around you says you aren’t enough.

They fad us and pit us against one another, one year skinny women are in, another the bigger women (and bigger is subjective as well).  If your a minority throw your skin tone in there because they figured out a way to make that shit a fad too(insert angry emojis here). All the while our bodies are picked apart and turned into assets and attributes or liabilities and inadequacies.

In step Rihanna and her new line of lingerie Savage X fenty…… Biiiiihhh! She just gave me my whole life back.  My insecure self just started a fire and my unapologetically sexy self climbed out the ashes. I just killed every bad thought and scrapped every contrary image of myself from the corners of my heart. I haven’t even been able to buy it yet but already I feel like a better version of myself. These women look like me and people I know, and they are all stunning.  

Rihanna is known for keeping it real and championing women in general and she just proved once again that she loves us just as much as she loves herself. The promotional pictures and videos she has released are only a taste but not one of them didn’t make me love myself and other women with a deep abiding passion that only exists in blood and fairy tales. There is something for every body chile. I know you’re thinking me too?! Answer 1 question, do you have a body? Welp than you too girl, you too.

I have yet to see too many companies make a concise effort to provide sexy, and mean SEXY  lingerie to women across the board. Some of the more popular brands are more interested in keeping their tired old secrets and recycling the same basic looking designs (insert eye roll here).  Savage X is more than just savage, it show cases Rihanna and her genius eye for fashion and marketing once again. Just like her Fenty make up line was so unnecessarily amazing, not sure how they keep it in stock,  Savage x has me chomping at the bit for its launch May 11th.  Did I whip you all up into a frenzy too? Here a some images from @savagexfenty to satiate your curisoity. I am sure you’ll love it just as much as I do. i can’t wait to get me some and #JUSTBE


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Its Not Them or Us, its Most Likely You. A Personal Accountability Check up

There comes a time in each of our lives when we have to decide what type of person we will be. Granted there are probably a few of these moments and some of us will only decide what kind of person we will be for that one specific instance. Whether you answer this at your core or just for Tuesday you gotta decide are you about self accountability or are you about deflection and finger pointing.

Now me personally, I’m all about self accountability, when I’m not pointing fingers or deflecting…….Okay I know its hard other people can really mess your ish up.  With the exception of those who have fallen victim to someone else in whatever ways for whatever reasons, most us just need to grab a new pair of big girl drawers and keep it pushing.

So how do you determine if you’re focused on being your best you or dropping your best shade? Well here’s a few quick ways to check yourself.

  1. Your story starts with you and ends with someone else.  You have to focus! You can only hold yourself accountable for the things you can control or that you yield a significant influence over.  

  2. You are missing from your story. If everyone plays a starring role in your life but you, you’re fooling yourself.  There is a difference between playing victim and actually being one.  A victim generally has no influence or control related to a circumstance. If this is not you woman up!

  3. Your story is full of ‘buts’and not the good kind. I love a good excuse as much as the next person but…… There is a fine line between an excuse and a valid reason.  Make sure you check which side of the line your on.

  4. You keep running into the same issues. This is a moment for deep reflection, are you really holding yourself accountable? If you were you should see change. You can’t expect new things sis when you keep. doing the same old stuff.

So now that you know where you might be slipping,  don’t fret there’s always room for improvement.  It may take some time to turn they to I and some effort to search out the things you control. Once you get the hang of it though it can lead to much smoother sailing in the sea of personal achievement.