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The What and Why of Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness can occur at any stage during a woman’s life. Though common associated with menopause there are several other root causes. One of those causes is a lack of arousal.  Lack of arousal is also considered a form of sexual dysfunction. 

Stress/Mental health

Feeling disconnected from your partner? Women who are unable to connect on an emotional level may experience difficulty with arousal when it comes to sex. Depression and medications prescribed for depression can also contribute to vaginal dryness/lack of arousal. Lack of an emotional connection with your partner can also lead to vaginal dryness. Try spending some intimate non sexual time together maybe a movie, a favorite hobby you share, or simply cuddling. It is important to share your concerns with your partner so that you are on the same page and they can understand and provide support. This also hopefully will help prevent them from taking it personally.  If you find that despite you efforts thing are not improving its okay to seek help. There are therapists who specialize in intimate relationships: sex therapists. If you feel depression or other emotional issues may be interfering with your ability to preform and/or enjoy sex, therapy is a great choice. 

Medical reasons

  1. Menopause: Estrogen levels naturally drop during menopause and peri-menopasue which can lead to vaginal dryness and atrophy of vaginal tissue. 
  2. Infection: Any form of infection whether a common non sexual infection or an STI  can  be a cause of vaginal dryness. Only your doctor can diagnose and treat you if necessary. If think you may have an infection of any type it is important to be seen.
  3. Birth Control: Hormone based birth control methods can also lead to vaginal dryness. Birth control alters the bodies normal hormone levels to prevent egg maturation/ovulation. These decreased hormone levels can cause the vagina to become dry
  4. Hormone changes: As you progress through your natural hormonal cycle dryness can be common before, or after menstruation.

The first step when dealing with vaginal dryness that is the result of a common medical concern is to consult a physician. If menopause is the issue a vaginal estrogen cream can be helpful for some women, your gynecologist can tell you if you are a good candidate for this form of treatment. If the issue is an infection, then issue should resolve with treatment. For concerns related to birth control it may be as easy as switching to a different pill or another form of contraception.  If you find that vaginal dryness is still a concern a water based lubricant can help alleviate the issue. Water based lubes are generally less agitating to the vagina. If stress is a contributing factor foreplay can help prepare a woman for intercourse.  While shopping for lube used to require a trip to an adult store most markets now carry various forms of lubricant so now you don’t have to worry about feeling like you need to wear a cone of shame. That’s it for this week. Make sure to subscribe to mailing list so you can be sure you don’t miss our vagina tips, and make sure that you’re keeping your kitty on fleek!!!


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Cunnilingus: 4 Do’s and Don’ts to Spicing up Your Vagita

Cunnilingus, the art of oral pleasure in relation to the female genitalia. Now if you were hoping for a how to, this is not that blog. Most of us enjoy a well crafted lick or two.  Heck every so often we might even feel inspired to try a little something different. Before you run to the fridge and grab the whipped cream or the chocolate sauce, check out this quick list of do’s and dont’s. 


  1. When selecting flavored products designed for use in sexual scenarios, make sure that they are sugar free. Read the ingredients list before you buy them, take the time to taste them beforehand as well. ‪#‎vaginatips‬ 
  2. Taste yourself: Every women has her own scent and taste. If you expect someone to enjoy it, you should know what you taste like. #vaginatips‬
  3. If you want to naturally change the flavor of your vagina, change your diet first. Try adding fruit to your lifestyle. Berries and citrus fruits can sweeten the fluids released by the mucousal lining. These fruits eaten just 2 hours before can make a palatable difference ‪#‎vaginatips‬ #pineapples
  4. Shower beforehand, and trim the hedges if that’s your thing. If you cut yourself though you may want to skip this episode of mouth to ‘mouth’ to avoid infection


  1. Most kitchen items have no place between your sheets. Adding sugar, syrups or other food items to the vagina can lead to infection. Depending on how deeply they end up in the vagina if not properly cleaned the infection can lead to P.I.D. Your vagina may have lips but it does not like food.  #vaginatips‬
  2. Please, please, please I can not say this enough don’t wash the inside of you vag. Douching is not an option, ever, never!#vaginatips
  3. Binge on sweets (unless its fruit), sugar in excess in the diet can actually cause the vagina to taste bitter.‪#‎vaginatips‬
  4. Heard a fresh minty mouth is great for all the feels? Well don’t dive right in, wait at least 15-20 minutes after brushing, flossing or mouthwash to reduce your risk of infection. #vaginatips‬

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4 Reasons Women Should Consider Masturbation

Now I know this may sound crazy coming from a woman who very openly discusses her Christianity but before you rebuke me and send me straight the depths of hell,  let me explain why I encourage masturbation. Masturbating by definition is the stimulation or manipulation of one’s own genitals, especially to orgasm; sexual self-gratification. It can help a woman learn what she finds pleasurable in regards to touch. Numerous factors like speed, pressure and position are discoverable through masturbation. It can also help a woman learn to relax into the process of being pleasured by another party is involved. Knowing what you enjoy and feeling comfortable with your own body and how it responds can help increase the pleasure/value of your sexual encounters.

Masturbation can either be done manually (by hand) or with the assistance of a vibrator. You can do It alone or with the assistance of your partner. It can also be used to educate your partner in a hands on way how to please you. Masturbation is good for the health of the vagina and personal sexual education. It is not and should not be used as a permanent substitute or an avenue to avoid sexual intimacy.

Now that we’ve talked about the fun stuff, here the most important reasons to masturbate.

  1. Masturbation helps maintain the competency of the vagina. #‎vaginatips

  2. Orgasms associated with masturbation can help increase pelvic floor muscle strength. ‪#‎vaginatips

  3. Regular vaginal or clitoral stimulation naturally encourages the vagina to lengthen(occurs with arousal) and to lubricate itself protecting the tissue ‪#‎Vaginatips

  4. As a woman ages and approaches menopause the change in hormones can lead to dryness, pain and other issues with intercourse. Masturbation regularly can help delay these affects  ‪#‎vaginatips‬

One thing I tell every woman I know, the vagina is use or loose. That said there is no time like the present.  So how do you get started? Well create a mood for yourself. Here a some things I recommend

  • Start with a nice soothing bath or shower

  • Your favorite mood music

  • Water based lube

  • A rechargeable vibrator(if you are planning to use a toy)

  • A quiet private space so you have plenty of time and can relax

  • Find a comfortable position to lay in and find your groove

As with any new adventure I recommend you consult your physician if you have any special circumstances.  If you have had an episiotomy in the past it may be a bit harder if you suffered Abby nerve damage which can be common.  Don’t get frustrated just give yourself a little bit more time.