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Poetry Break: Nothing But Death (live)

I would have posted this last month But May was just all too much for me. My older sister, who this poem is dedicated to, was murdered in 2005. Last month her birthday (44th), mothers day and my niece’s college graduation all happened within a matter of days of one another. I was a hot buttered mess of tears. In fact on my nieces graduation, which also happened to be mothers days i found myself crying inconsolably in my room feeling once again like I failed my niece and nephew by not being available to them. I am grateful that they grew up with a wonderful and loving support system and are both college educated awesome individuals. I know their mom would be so proud.

Nothing But Death was my answer to my grieving process and I performed it at Rustbelt in 2013 with my Sister Chani The Hippie ,who also happens to be my #12yeartwin because we share a birthday.  I hope you enjoy it